Frequently Asked Question

I think the app has a bug! Now what?
Last Updated 9 years ago

He made our very best efforts to ensure we deliver Dideye as a high quality, perfectly working product.

However we know that unpredicted situations are always a possibility.
In such rare occasions, Dideye may happen not to be well prepare to handle the specific situation.

If you find Dideye behaved in any inappropriate way, or simply that it crashed, we encourage you to file us a bug report.

We are going to ask that you provide us with the a detailed description of the problem, as well as the most detailed description of the steps that lead to its happening. All details are of major importance.

In almost any case, only if we are able to replicate the erroneous behavior in our offices, will we ever be able to track and fix the given problem.

Thank you very much for your collaboration.

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